About Us

“Our mission is to be a community of God’s extravagant love where people are drawn into a thriving relationship with Jesus.”


Our mission is to be a community of God’s extravagant love where people are drawn into a thriving relationship with Jesus.

We are more interested in nurturing discovery than enforcing conformity. Come with questions, uncertainty, and maybe even suspicion. This is a safe place to take next steps on you journey of faith.

We hope we can get to know you and help you connect. Feel free to reach out to any staff with questions.


Kelly Edmiston

Lead Pastor

Brian Eggenberger

Associate Pastor/ Children's Pastor

Abigail Olds

Youth Pastor

Richard Olds

Groups Pastor

Beth Wilhelm


Values that shape all that we do ...

1 Corinthians 16:14 | Let all that you do be done in love.
The following values represent what we expect to characterize everything we do.


All that we do must respect people in all stages of their spiritual journey. We seek to use non-religious and inclusive language. All aspects of the service must be available for all people to participate. There should be no hint of exclusivity or casting judgment (I Cor. 13:1-3; Communion—Luke 24:3-32, Rev. 22:17).


Christian liturgy is “the work of the people.” John Wimber, speaking of kingdom ministry, taught that “everybody gets to play.” We seek participation over performance. We want to engage as many people as possible in all elements of the service. While some elements required skilled and informed facilitation, as much as it is feasible, we want to de-professionalize ministry.


We eagerly desire the life-giving activity of the Holy Spirit and anticipate the palpable reality of God ‘s presence with us (Acts 1:8). We continually seek to follow God’s leading and embrace spontaneity even as we steward our time through prayerful planning. We seek to be authentic in our response to God without hype or manipulation. We want to experience God in diverse ways that don’t limit the work of the Holy Spirit to a narrow set of experiences and settings. We value corporate and personal ministry that comes alongside people to compassionately invite the Holy Spirit’s work of healing and encouragement.


We expect to be transformed. That is; through God’s grace we seek to be continually “transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit” (2 Cor. 3:18).  Transformation happens through the long slow work of the Holy Spirit, through spiritual formation, through the proclaimed word, and through instantaneous moments in worship and ministry.

Intellectually Curious

We seek to engage the head along with the heart and hands. Worship and the Word should be rich in content in order to fuel our response with fresh revelation. We don’t offer pat answers but instead encourage critical reflection. Doubt and faith can coexist (“I believe. Help my unbelief” … Mark 9:24).

Rich in Diversity

We are committed to broadly including and empowering both women and men across all ethnicities, both young and old, in every expression of our worship, both as leaders and participants (Gal. 3:28, Acts 2:17).


We desire to honor God with excellence and creativity, giving God our best in our worship activity and our worship environments (Col. 3:23). We want to design our services with purpose that utilizes our time and environments to serve our mission. This involves a deep commitment to planning and preparation that refuses to disregard any opportunity to participate in God’s work in people.


We intentionally help people thrive as part of the body of Christ with a faith that is personal and communal. We value vigorous conversations, new friendships, and words of encouragement as spiritually vital parts of our weekend services (Eph. 4:11-12; Psalm 133:1). What happens in the foyer and during ‘breaks’ should be a spiritually significant part of our services.

Old and New

We seek new and diverse expressions of faith and worship while also leaning back into relevant and meaningful practices of Christians throughout history. An “ancient-future faith” seeks fresh expressions of ancient practices that connect with our present world and future hope. Our faith is rooted in history and our services should reflect that.


Worship is never to be separated from mission. Gathering as God’s people includes at its heart our being sent out into the world in God’s name. When we gather, we seek to better understand God’s mission in the world, experience the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit for that mission, and encourage one another as we take risks to practice our faith (“Faith is spelled r.i.s.k.” – John Wimber). We are sent out into the world to demonstrate God’s extravagant love and invite people into a thriving relationship with Jesus.

Our Beliefs

These are broad theological ideas that we've used to help make sense out of what we understand of God and how God interacts with the world. This is not our final word but rather our present understanding. Theological statements like these are a place of conversation and should propel us toward more growth.

We believe in the one true Creator God, who shows God’s self through self-giving love in a communal relationship of oneness displayed in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. [Genesis 1; Matthew 3.16–17; Mark 1.10–11; Luke 1.35, 3.22; John 1.32; Hebrews 9.14; Acts 7.55; Romans 8]

We believe God created all things good and all people in God’s image for relationship with God, each other, ourselves, and creation. [Genesis 1-2; 1 Timothy 4.4]

We believe people’s rebellion against God broke their relationship with God and continues to perpetuate sin, death, brokenness, and destruction in our world. [Genesis 3.15; Romans 5.12; Colossians 1.21]

We believe God has not abandoned creation, and in love, sent to earth God’s one and only Son Jesus, fully God and fully human, born of a virgin and without sin to redeem all creation. [Matthew 1.28-55; John 1; John 3.16-17; Romans 8.19-25; Colossians 1.15-20]

We believe Jesus came proclaiming a new arrival of the Kingdom of God—a reality marked by love, grace, peace, and joy. Through his life, death, and resurrection, Jesus defeated sin and death inaugurating a new creation that offers all people eternal life now. Jesus is the only way to access the free gift of grace, renewed peace, and reconciliation with God. [John 1.29; Romans 3.22-26; 5.1-9; Mark 4.26; Romans 14.17; 1 Corinthians 4.20; 2 Corinthians 5.17; Hebrews 1.1-3; Revelation 21.5]

We believe Jesus Christ sends the Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of Life, to dwell and shed abroad the love of God in the hearts of believers, empower them with gifts, convict, guide, comfort, counsel, and lead us into truth through a communal life of worship and a missional expression of our faith. We believe in the present ministry of the Spirit and in the exercise of all of the biblical gifts of the Spirit. [John 14.26; 20.21-23; Romans 5.5; 8.2; Ephesians 1.17-19; Acts 1.8; Acts 2.15-17]

We believe Jesus calls people to be his disciples in all areas of life, exhibiting faith in him by social and personal practices, which brings glory to God’s name. [Matthew 5.14-16; 22.36-40; Colossians 3.17; 1 Peter 4.11-12; 2 Peter 3.18]

We believe the church is rooted and grounded in Jesus Christ, practicing spiritual disciplines, and celebrating baptism and the Lord’s Supper. The church is the local and global community of Jesus followers who proclaim [through word and action] the good news of forgiveness, restoration, and reconciliation for all. [Matthew 22.36-40; 28.19-20; John 20.21-23; 2 Corinthians 5.16-21]

We believe Jesus will return to judge the world, bringing an end to injustice and restoring all things to God’s original intent. God will reclaim this world and rule forever. Our relationships with God, others, creation, and ourselves will be whole. All will flourish as God intends. This is what we long for. This is what we hope for. [Isaiah 11.1-9; Isaiah 65.19-25; Matthew 19.28; Acts 3.21; Colossians 1.19-20; 2 Peter 3.13; Revelation 21]

We believe the Bible was written by people guided by God’s Spirit and affirm what it says it is: authoritative, inspired, illumined by the Spirit and useful for teaching, correcting, and wisdom [Psalm 119.105-112; John 16.12-14; 17.17; 2 Timothy 3.16-17]